Electromagnetic waves, also referred to as the “elemental force of life,” are not only necessary for the health and well-being of our entire ecosystem but also our health and well-being. An all-natural force with which human beings, animals, and even plants actively interact to maintain and restore their biological health is created by electromagnetic waves that are constantly exposed by the earth, the sun, the Schumann resonances, the spherics, and the harmonic composition of all of them.
People are becoming more and more prone to illness and ailments as a result of the widespread effects of man-made electromagnetic interference, which are primarily caused by cellphone networks (3G, 4G, and now 5G), additional wireless technologies (WIFI, Bluetooth, and satellites), all types of electrically powered objects (such as computers, laptops, smartphones, etc.), building density, a lack of exercise, stress, and poor and depleted diets.
This is where PEMF therapy comes into play!
Since the early 1980s, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (commonly known as PEMF) has been used to recharge the body, renew it, and improve health in a painless, non-invasive manner. By reducing a variety of symptoms brought on by pain, inflammation, poor circulation, and interrupted sleep, PEMF medical equipment has assisted millions of individuals worldwide in improving their general health and wellness.
Which PEMF devices are safe to use?
To increase circulation and boost natural cell metabolism, a PEMF therapy device, such as a PEMF Mat or portable PEMF unit, releases low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic waves at various frequencies that are directed at the cellular level of your body.
Here we will talk about two similar types of PEMF medical equipment. These are:
iMRS Prime Expert: The iMRS Prime PEMF System is the most technologically advanced system on the market today. The iMRS Prime’s square wave successfully balances the body by employing low-intensity PEMFs that resonate around the Schumann resonance. Since the 1980s, PEMF machines have been employed in clinical settings. The iMRS Prime Expert has three PEMF applicators: the Exagon Mat, which gives the Triple Sawtooth Wave, as well as the Exagon Pad and Exagon Spot, which provide the Square Wave.
It comes with:
- iMRS prime Control Unit
- iMRS prime Connector Box
- Exagon Applicator Mat
- Exagon Applicator Pad
- Exagon Applicator Spot
- 20-PIN prime Connector Cable
- Power Adapter
- Software Tool: Manual Mode
- Software Tool: Fast Start Programs
- Software Tool: Program Mode
- Software Tool: iGUIDE
- Software Tool: Split Mode
iMRS Prime Hybrid: There is nothing equivalent to the new iMRS Prime because the prior iMRS lacked an infrared component. The new Exagon FIR Mat, which includes the software upgrade tool Hybrid Mode, is a far infrared plus PEMF mat. You will receive BOTH PEMF and infrared from the same mat in hybrid mode! The Exagon FIR whole-body mat is the most cutting-edge, comprehensive PEMF applicator technology, allowing you to make the best use of this PEMF device. This technology and the iMRS Prime Hybrid open up new opportunities for the application of low-pulsed electromagnetic waves in combination (PEMF and far infrared FIR simultaneously).
It has the same accessories but comes with an improved addition: Exagon Applicator FIR.
Thus, iMRS Prime with the advanced feature of Hybrid comes with far infrared technology, which makes this device more efficient and safe to use. Sensitive people should use the iMRS Prime settings with a lesser intensity because they are in line with the extraordinarily powerful PEMF settings.
Final Thoughts
PEMF devices are safe for extended periods and continue to offer no health risks due to the low frequency of electromagnetic waves. Simply put, iMRS Prime provides more benefits and value for the money. Visit PEMF Planet for more information.