Massage has evolved far beyond just a way to pamper yourself with a day at the spa. Massage dates back at least to ancient Egypt and was practiced in India, Japan, China, Rome and Greece several thousand years ago. Massage techniques have evolved and developed as our understanding of the body has increased.
Any type of massage is the manipulation of muscles and connective tissues using various techniques to improve body functions, aid in the healing process, calm myotatic reflexes (nerve impulses to muscles), soothe the nervous system, inhibit excitability, increase blood and fluid circulation, and promote relaxation and well-being.
Thus, any massage is therapeutic as it directly affects the largest area of your body, your skin.
A good massage has a “well-being” effect on the body. It reduces muscle aches, stress, and headaches and releases endorphins, the pain-relieving hormones your body naturally produces during activities like exercise and massage.
The intention and techniques differentiate a therapeutic massage from a relaxation one.
Therapeutic massage compared to classic massage.
Therapeutic massage Vienna, massage therapy, differs from the massage you can get at a massage parlor or spa. Instead, massage therapy is specifically directed by providers (such as physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths masseurs in Traditional Chinese Medicine hospitals in China) who have the theoretical knowledge and clinical practices necessary to treat specific areas of concern, whether it’s sciatica, a herniated disc, tendinitis, capsulitis or a sports injury.
A therapeutic massage targets certain areas, whereas a relaxation massage generally covers most areas of the body. Massage therapy is specifically designed to relieve pain, promote healing, and correct any issues you are having. Many therapists use specific techniques to relax tense knots in muscles and release connective tissues during a therapeutic massage.
Communication differs in each type of massage.
In a therapeutic massage, it is essential that the client is an active participant and gives the therapist feedback on pressure, sensation and changes. In many relaxation massages, the client does not need to be active and can feel free to fall asleep. A massage does not have to be a therapeutic massage or a relaxation massage. Your massage sessions are probably a combination of the two.
The benefits of massage
Strengthens the immune system, stimulates lymphatic flow and blood circulation;
Strengthens and stretches weak, tense or atrophied muscles;
Helps athletes of all levels prepare for and recover from intense workouts;
- Improves the skin;
- Increases joint flexibility;
- Reduces fatigue, depression and anxiety;
- Calms high blood pressure;
- Improves sleep;
- Increases energy, concentration and circulation;
- Relieves lower back pain and improves range of motion;
- Pumps oxygen and nutrients to vital tissues and organs, improving circulation;
- Relaxes injured, tired and overworked muscles;
- Releases endorphins that induce feelings of relaxation and well-being;
- Relieves migraine pain;
- Relieves stomach ache
- Relieves back pain.
Most people experience a feeling of emotional stability and mental clarity after receiving a massage. Others feel a little sleepy and tell me they want to go to bed when they get home, so they plan a day off. Either way, these sensations help promote overall health and healing.
Research shows that with massage:
- People with arthritis report fewer aches, stiffness and pain;
- Children with asthma have better lung function and better breathing;
- Reduced pain, itching, and anxiety;
- Hypertensive patients show a decrease in diastolic blood pressure and a decrease in anxiety and stress hormones;
- People suffering from premenstrual syndrome have a decrease in water retention and cramps;
- Premature infants have better weight gain.
Relieve pain with alternative medicine
While many practitioners can treat persistent pain by covering up the symptom with pain medication, for example, when treating persistent pain caused by tight, hyper-irritable areas of swelling in the muscle, alternative medicine practitioners may recommend pain relief with Chinese massage or acupuncture while treating the underlying condition causing the pain. It’s much less invasive than painkillers.
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